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There are a number of planetary alignments happening between July 26th - August 12. The Sun in Leo links up with the star Sirius (2x the size of the sun and 26x brighter) opening up a powerful portal of activation energy where the veil between the physical and spiritual world is thin.

What does this mean? You might have extremely vivid dreams at this time, ideas out of the blue, flashes of inspiration, someone you’re thinking about suddenly calls you, a music lyric carries particularly important and relevant meaning, you see the same numbers patterns in unlikely places, or you are extra away of other synchronicities all around you.

The peak of this portal occurs when Orion’s Belt aligning with the Great Pyramids of Giza on August 8th. Lion’s Gate has its name because it occurs in the middle of Leo Season - a time of abundance, courage, expansion, and fertility. We are in the height of summer when farmers are reaping the fruits of their labor, and so are we as humans harvesting the growth that occurred during Spring.

This auspicious day has roots in ancient Egypt and has been observed and honored for thousands of years. It’s an important day to meditation to align with yourself and be open to receive downloads, intuitive hits, and little nudges from the other side.

This is a space to convene and honor this time of activation and harvest this powerful energy together. Our time will include an element of sharing, gentle movement, and a specific meditation (taken from the Kundalini Yoga tradition) focused on expansion, prosperity, and power. Set up a cozy corner with blankets, pillows, tea, candles, flowers, crystals, tarot or oracle cards - all your magic.

Participants can choose to join virtually in real time or purchase a shortened version of the meditation separately via the SHOP section.

We will convene via Zoom on Saturday, August 8th 8-9:30pm (CST).

Cost: $22


All registered participants will receive a calendar invite with a meeting ID at least two hours prior to the start time. If you are unable to attend the livestream event, an audio file of the meditation will be available for purchase in the SHOP section of the website on morning of August 8th.

Later Event: August 19
VIRTUAL New Moon (LEO) Meditation