Friday the 13th is also known as the auspicious "Day of the Goddess." Friday is a Venus Day and in numerology "13" carries a significant connection to the Moon and Divine Feminine energy. There are 13 Moons in our calendar year and typically women will have 13 cycles annually. No matter how you identify, everyone has access to Divine Feminine energy, our intuitive / receptive side that gains clarity after relishing in regenerative rest.
Join us on the only Friday the 13th of 2022 for regenerative breath and meditation practice.
We'll begin our time with a little astro/numerology chat, explore three breathwork techniques that regulate the nervous system and boost mood/creativity, and dive into a short group meditation that is literally medicine to our cells. This sound current supports regenerative rest and deep healing - whether you listen or chant along it positively supports your nervous system. Come get a little witchy this Friday the 13th!
All are welcome. Suggested Donation $5-$15. Pay at the Door , via Venmo (@EB-heARTwork), or click below. BYO-Seat Cushion.
*Note: Bring something that will make a seated position on the floor or chair feel comfortable.This doesn't have to be fancy (blanket, beach towel, sofa cushion, or rolled up yoga mat).