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(Online) Weekly Mama Meditation with Sat Nam Yoga Chicago



Don’t have time for a full Prenatal Class? Come to Mama Meditations 

Mamas, your nervous system is already working for two. It’s like you’re wearing an extra sweater of defense. Rest easy that your baby to be is protected by your energy field. Come gather to shake off stress, steady your heart, and spend some precious time with your baby to be and other mothers. What you feel, the baby feels. We will tap into meditation that send the message that these souls are deeply loved and we are excited to meet them.

This space is designed for soon-to-be mamas or mamas on-the-go to cultivate a self-care toolkit of short, efficient meditations to clear the static of life so you can be your best self for your family.

These are not sit-in-silence meditations. These meditations are ancient technology meets practice tools that rewire the brain, strengthens your nervous system, and tap into our fierce grace as women.

Together we'll prepare our bodies with a few gentle stretches, do 1-2 short meditations that are designed to recharge the brain, and indulge in deliciously restorative rest.

15-min Gentle Stretching
10-min Group Meditation
15-min Restorative Rest
Optional CommuniTea Time

No matter what stage of pregnancy or how long ago you've had your babies, join us for a moment of self care to pause and consolidate your energy so you can stay present for the little joys in life.

Cost: $10 (Pre-Registered) / $15 (Day Of)