Lion's Gate Meditation
Lion's Gate Meditation
July 26th - August 12th is known as Lion's Gate. The peak date of this energetic portal is August 8th (8/8). The ancient Egyptians celebrated this time of year as it coincided with the rise and overflow of the Nile River. Like the phrase "opening the floodgates," these waters can cleanse excess debris and lushly nourish crops. It was a highly anticipated time of fertility and abundance. Over this time period, the stars in Orion's Belt line up perfectly with the peaks of the Pyramids of Giza. If you've ever visited ancient sites, there is usually a correlation to a specific astrological event. This phenomenon happened at the exact same time of year in ancient Egypt as it does today. Isn't that wild?!
This 60-minute Kundalini Meditation Practice supports you in synchronizing with this astrological season of abundant overflow.