Join us for weekly Kundalini Yoga classes via Zoom! If you're new to Kundalini Yoga, welcome! Kundalini Yoga is an especially useful technology during these times when our nervous system is flooded with information and our immune systems need strengthening. All classes will take place in Central Standard Time. 


A Kundalini Yoga class typically includes a set of movement (kriya), some juicy relaxation, then concludes with a meditation (sometimes silent, sometimes with mantra). Typically morning classes will be focused on heart-opening, afternoon classes will be focused on immune system activation, and evening classes will be focused on calming the nervous system. Another part of the practice is gathering to drink tea after class which helps to ground down your energy if you experienced significant shifts. You're welcome to hop off right away if you need to or stick around for virtual “Communi-Tea Time” - totally your choice!


Come wearing comfortable clothes and have a blanket or cushions nearby. Each recipe of a kriya is different so we might be moving from seated to standing so make sure you have space in whatever cozy corner you're practicing in. 

Here’s a little peek behind the scenes and behind the screens. Shelter in place doesn’t have to stop us from connecting!Where are you tuning from? Share via Instagram, tag me @e_bogart87, and I’ll add you to photo reel below.

Here’s a little peek behind the scenes and behind the screens. Shelter in place doesn’t have to stop us from connecting!

Where are you tuning from? Share via Instagram, tag me @e_bogart87, and I’ll add you to photo reel below.


The door is open for drop-ins. If you’re able, please make a donation via the link below or via Venmo. Deep gratitude for all those who are able to contribute in whatever they can. Regardless, come and vibe with us! Invite your friends - let’s stay connected and support each other during this time. If you’re likely to attend regularly, consider making a seasonal commitment.

Suggested: $11-$22

Venmo ID: @EB-heARTwork

PayPal ID:

Drop-In Donation


All times are in Central Standard Time. Convert to your time zone. Drop-In Donations accepted.


Meeting ID: 890-597-019


Meeting ID: 983-413-133

The embedded links will take you straight to the “zoom room.” Updates to the schedule will be posted here and via Instagram @eb_heartwork. You can also sign up here to receive calendar invites for preferred class times.



On Sundays, you’ll find me in the Sat Nam Yoga Chicago “Zoom Room.” Promo Codes available upon request.

STANDARD Liability Release

By participating in live-stream or recorded Yoga and Meditation classes, you are agreeing to the following:

I hereby release Elizabeth Bogart from responsibility for any injuries I may sustain as a result of participation in the classes or programs presented by Elizabeth Bogart - including any online pre-recorded or live-streamed class. I am aware that the instructor cannot see me entirely and may not be able to offer highly personalized instruction, and therefore I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the classes of programs offered through Elizabeth Bogart. As determined by my physician and myself, I certify that the level of my physical condition will allow me to safely participate in programs at Elizabeth Bogart. I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its contents. I am legally competent to voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above, and by clicking on the above links agree to these conditions.