
Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga

“Yoga and meditation are the strongest offering that we can give to a pregnant woman. Through conscious pregnancy, birth and early parenting, we set the foundation for life-long health and happiness in a child.”
— Gurmukh Khalsa Kaur

More Than Movement

Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga was founded by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa. It is a magical mix of movement and meditation designed for mamas-to-be to tap into their intuition and strength as they prepare for labor and motherhood.

The movements and postures are drawn from many lineages of yoga, but the fundamentals, meditations and chants come from the practice of Kundalini. Each class is an opportunity to step into your power, elevate your spirit, and experience your fierce grace. Mama Goddesses at all a stages of pregnancy are welcome!

Read more about how The Khalsa Way began.


prefer to practice with your PEOPLE?

I am available for private, small group, and couples classes.

Feeling overwhelmed by the idea of growing a human and becoming a mom? Prioritize some solo time with your babe to connect and deepen your relationship. Yo'u are both part of the birthing process, start tuning in and reading each other’s cues now.

Feeling like you want to connect to your sisters? Gather your gal pals for a virtual session - whether they are pregnant or not, they can practice along side you.

Is your partner questioning their role during labor? Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga supports the mama-to-be to tap into her intuition, builds stamina, and practices different birthing postures. Partners practice holding space - physically and energetically.

All classes are being held via Zoom.

“Bearing a child is not a human job; bearing a child is a totally divine, divine, divine job. From the 120th day to the day of delivery, whatever you put in through prayer is going to come out.”
— Yogi Bhajan
“The prayer of the mother is the most powerful thing in the Universe. A mother’s prayer has the power to rewrite destiny. Meditating in this way acts like a beacon to draw toward her a soul that matches her vibration, her consciousness, and her grace.”
— Sat Purkh Kaur


Baby making can be a stressful undertaking in this modern world. Increased cortisol levels can actually inhibit our reproductive system, decrease our libido, disrupt our digestion, and make us feel disconnected from ourselves, partners, and life. If a bear is running at us, we don’t need to feel sexy, fully digest our food, feel connected to ourselves, loved ones, or the universe. We just need to survive - and run fast, run far.

The trouble is sometimes our bodies are mistaking our ache to start a family as the old, primal stress of something life-threatening running after us. Kundalini Meditation is a beautiful tool to cue the nervous system to calm down, regulate a woman’s cycle and glandular system, and help the body slip into a state of joy, receptivity, and power.

I often a variety of private and partner session to support women before, during, and after pregnancy. Check out my private offerings.



This is a custom designed experience for mamas who are feeling restless about what's next, seeking to re-establish a new self-care routine, craving some solo time, and are ready to rediscover the newest version of themselves.

Most mamas take advantage of this session or series when babes are 8-18 months (when many are starting to crave a new routine) but all mamas welcome who want to prioritize their own self care. Check it out.

We use the term “course” but it’s actually a six-week, self-led “container” to support women and their partners who are preparing to have their first baby (or their next baby). It includes access to a library of movement and meditation practices, a beautiful workbook with information, inspiration, and reflective prompts, and other experiences that guide you through a soulful exploration of what it means to surrender and trust. Check it out.


What the mamas are saying …

Elizabeth is the ideal yoga teacher. Her classes are vibrant, playful, and full of interesting meditations, too. After each class in the series I came to understand something new about my body and my journey.” - J.T.

“After reading Elizabeth’s description of her Khalsa Way class I decided to take it while I was trying to conceive, and I am so glad I did! The classes prepared my mind and body to conceive, maintain a healthy pregnancy, and be a courageous mother to my beautiful babies. I can’t thank her enough for her impact on my life and my family. I recommend this class to everyone!” - C.B.

“I took numerous prenatal classes during pregnancy, but Elizabeth's classes were special. She embodies goddess energy which you cannot help but absorb during the class. Not a diva type of goddess, but nurturing, open, ethereal and powerful. All things one wants to cultivate when becoming a mother. I gave birth 4 days after my last class with Elizabeth, which was in my own home, and all of the exercises helped me get through 24 hours of labor.” - L.S.